Read these instructions to install Nos on Testflight

Minimum System Requirements

An icon of an iPhone
iPhone with iOS 17
An icon of an iPad
iPad with iOS 17
An icon of a Macbook
M1 Mac with macOS 13.2
Nos is presently iOS only. For access on Android, we recommend Amethyst

Install Testflight

• Open the App Store on your iOS device.
• Search for "Testflight" and tap on the download button to install it.
Download on the App Store button
A screenshot of Testflight's screen on the AppStore

Sign in with your Apple ID

• Once Testflight is installed, open the app.
• Sign in with your Apple ID when prompted.
Screenshots of the Apple ID Sign-in screens on Testflight

Come back to ⏎

Once you get to the Ready to Test screen, come back to this page and click on the Download Nos link. This will open the Download Nos page on Testflight. NOTE: If you see Redeem, return to this page and click Download again, that will move you to the install screen.
Download Nos button
A screenshot of the Ready To Test screen on Testflight

Install the Nos app

• Click Accept and install the Nos Social beta
• Nos Social will be added to your home screen

Note: If you encounter any issues during the installation process, please contact our support team at for assistance.

A screenshot of the Nos install screen on Testflight

Start using Nos

• Find people to follow on Discover
• View their content in your Feed
Screenshots of the Feed and People Search Results screens on Nos


You have successfully downloaded and installed the Nos beta app on your iOS device. Thank you for participating in our beta testing program. Your feedback is invaluable to us in improving the Nos experience.